Welcome to the Accessories FREE Mint

Giving you the vital accessories to survive the bear market.

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It's empty!

Get over it!

What did you expect to happen?

You play around with alts and untested protocols your going to get poor. Quick!

140 x NFTs

Bus Pass & Change


You are meeting your aunt in town in half an hour.

How are you going to get there?

Oh wait a minute I've got a bus pass. Yes! Like superman sweeping in at the last minute and saving you. I will never say your name in vane again Transport Authority.

80 x NFTs

Nokia 3310

Basically indestructible! 

Legend has it that black boxes on commercial airliners are build using the casings of old Nokia 3310s

The Chuck Norris of phones!

50 x NFTs

Sneakers & Jeans

If you look up from your screen and you DON'T see a pair of crumpled up jeans and trainers on your floor, what are you doing with your life?

A call sign of the permanently disorganised.

27 x NFTs

Golden Pot Noodle

The coup de grĂ¢ce of a Poor Ape.

Royalty and Kings do not eat better.

When you peal back that top and pour on hot water its nothing but the smell of home.

3 x NFTs